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The latest news and updates from the Wallace Group team.

Roundabouts Explained. Good Morning SLO

On March 24, 2022, the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce invited Wallace Group’s Chris Gardner to Good Morning SLO. Chris was tasked with giving a layperson’s explanation on the merits of roundabouts. On hand was Principal Jorge Aguilar to go more in-depth with members who had questions about this effective solution to traffic woes. Transportation Engineers promote roundabouts because they are safe, efficient and good for the environment. 90%...
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APWA Awards

Wallace Group is proud to announce that our Stockade Demolition Project for the City of Marina won APWA’s 2022 Project of the Year for Environmental with a budget less than $5million. Additionally, The Urban Diversion Stormwater Project for the City of Pacific Grove won project of the Year for Environmental with a budget of $5 million to $25 million! As a cherry on top, we would like to recognize @SarahHuffman...
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We're Hiring!

Enjoy the upcoming three-day weekend & apply for an open position at Wallace Group. We can’t wait for you to join our fantastic team of professionals! #engineering #wallacegroup #waterresources #constructionmangement #transportation #surveying #landscapearchiteture #mechanical
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Dry Creek Road in Paso Robles

Drivers in Paso Robles have a new and improved road to travel. Dry Creek Road near the airport had a makeover. The project involved pavement reconstruction using Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR). Dry Creek had one of the lowest pavement condition indexes (PCI) in the City. Realignment of one section that had hair pin turns and significant roadside erosion. Cooperative Agreement with the County to overlay a section of Dry Creek within...
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